Exploring STM32: Hands-on Course for Fun!
Creating Various Fun Designs with STM32, such as a Sound and Light Synchronized Corridor Light, an Auto Fan Controlled by Angle, and a Simple Sweeping Robot, etc.
Competition: RoboGame code
School-Level Robot Competition, Teaming Up to Build Robots for Curling Matches. During the competition, the robots need to be able to track and reach the competition location, identify our team's and the opponent's curling stones, and perform tasks such as gripping and launching the stones. Our team achieved third place in the competition.My focus: circuit design, PCB layout, and PID control algorithm. We use PID to ensure robots move smoothly at a specified speed and stop precisely at their intended positions.
Course Project: Deep Learning Algorithm
- Python Crawler & GUI code
- Basic Architecture of Deep Learning Network code
- Reproduce OrientedRCNN code
Implemented a crawler to gather information of tutors in Department of Automation at USTC using Python
Learned basic units of CNN and its propagation process, and explored classic networks such as LeNet, AlexNet
and ResNet.
Understood the trending technologies of CNN by analyzing and comparing these classic networks.
Focused on ResNet, learned its code, and made minor changes to its structure
Propose a network to generate high-quality oriented proposals which achieves 75.87%mAP, 15.1FPS on DOTA
and 96.50% mAP on HRSC2016
Attempt loss functions, such as SmoothL1Loss and FocalLoss, in the network to gain better performance.
Explore alternative methods to represent the oriented proposals